Amrita University Management System (AUMS)

AUMS is a fully integrated, highly configurable, platform independent university wide Information System with scalability and performance at the same time ensuring to meet all the needs of an educational institution and much more. Amrita Technologies has developed an integrated world-class University Management System which includes an e-learning platform Amrita Vidya, for effective management of learning services.

AUMS practically covers the entire area of operations of the institution. It includesadministration module, academics module, accounts module, examination module, library module, feedback module and other modules.

Academic Management

The academic module of Amrita University Management System (AUMS) can be used to automate all the academic functions like course allocation, student course registration, faculty assign, attendance entry, remedial registration etc.

E-learning Management

AUMS offers a full suited online learning tool for uploading syllabus, announcements, resources, assignments, schedule events, publish online exams, gradebook, question pool facility etc.

Examination Management

The examination module of AUMS automates evaluation, marks entry, grade assignment, publishing results, printing grade sheet, consolidated, transcripts and degree certificates.

Managing Student and Staff

Students and staff of the university are registered in AUMS. It generates a unique login for every student and employee.

Fee Management

AUMS automate all the functions related to fee management such as setting the fee category, fee section, fee structure, assigning fee structure to students, collecting fee from student, refunding fee to students

Feedback Module

AUMS automates the process of collecting course outcome, program outcome, faculty evaluation and Exit survey from students.

Amrita parent portal

Parents can register and view their wards academic performance, fee data, attendance data using Amrita Parent portal.


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